Tuesday 29 April 2014

MineCraft Private server

HOW TO LOGin MineCraft Private Server how to login and register minecraft server

What is MineShack?
MineShack is the ultimate Minecraft fansite and private server! MineShack provides the latest news from Mojang and the developer community so you're never behind on the latest Minecraft news, as well as the best Minecraft private server on the internet! Our Minecraft server stays online constantly and allows a handful of Minecraft players to connect and build anything they could possibly imagine alongside friends, family and total strangers for free!

What makes MineShack unique?
A lot of Minecraft servers aren't very well managed, no rules are enforced and what you end up with is bedlam. MineShack has strict rules and regulations that are enforced, if you don't follow our rules you are removed from the whitelist, it's that simple. We don't require you to help build certain things, our main MineShack project is building up a town, if you're no interested in that you can head off around the corner to build what you like and just head back when you want to shop for goods.

How it works!
We don't want everyone connecting with the IP address and port number and destroying everything dedicated players have built, which is the reason why you need to be whitelisted. To get whitelisted all you need to do is register an account on our website, it's free and easy. After that you wait for a few hours to become whitelisted on the server, a notice is shown clearly on your account page to tell you when and when you're not whitelisted. After that you're free to connect and play inside the world of MineShack.

Homepage link: http://mine.buzzshack.org/
Register link: http://mine.buzzshack.org/register/

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/mineshackserver
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/MineShack/128693537228334

If you've got any questions please feel free to email us: contact@buzzshack.org


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